Thursday, November 04, 2004

An Open Letter to Republicans

To All Happy Republicans-

Congratulations on Governor Bush finally getting elected.

Savor the victory. It may well make America a second-tier world power, by the time Bush is done increasing the deficit, ridding the world of clean air, blowing off other world leaders, and doing favors for his businessman friends while screwing up with Iran and North Korea because he insisted on settling a personal grudge with Saddam Hussein.

I'm not sure why this country deserves such poor leadership.

Sour grapes? Maybe. I am stunned that Bush's simplistic black-and-white view of the world has impressed so many people. The world is not black and white at all. While Kerry admittedly might be too deliberate with his actions and decision-making, at least he acknowledges that there are other viewpoints besides his own. That is my single biggest problem with Bush...he does not acknowledge other viewpoints. He came into office thinking he had a conservative mandate when he did not, and even now will not admit that other people might actually be right sometimes. If you are non-Christian, black, middle-class or lower, living in an urban area, not affiliated with Big Business, or otherwise not of similar background to him, he could not care less about you and your opinion means nothing. Unless, of course, it's an election year.

I had a bet that Bush would be a one-termer like his Daddy. I lost. Unfortunately, so did the country.

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