Monday, May 09, 2005

Farewell for Now...

My friends-

After six months, I have concluded that too many people are doing what I am trying to do. Since I have not been able to cut through the clutter, I have decided to take a blogging hiatus. I may re-launch this site at some point, but right now there are other ways I can use my energy. I will write more to political leaders, for one thing, which I got away from when I started this weblog in anger after the 2004 election.

Let me assure you that my anger has not subsided. I am still appalled on a daily basis by what Bush and his buddies are trying to do. They appear determined to ruin this country while telling us it is in our best interest. They push God on us, telling us that we are God-less if we disagree with them, not to mention unpatriotic. They are even attempting to change 200-year-old Senate rules in order to exert more power.

It is not unpatriotic to disagree with the President. It is our right as Americans, and if we love this country it is our duty to speak up if we feel it is going in the wrong direction. The pendulum will swing back, and when it does, conservatives will be crying about (or investigating and trying to impeach) the Democrats. When that day comes, hopefully very soon, there will be many a weblog set up in anger at the results of that election. And so it goes…

Take Care,
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